Naruto 452 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

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Credits by: Ohana, Nja, Nightjumper, Fugetsugym-NF

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Naruto : What the hell is that ?
Sakura : It seems like some sort of Cursed Seal ...
Sai : Indeed ... It's one of Lord Danzou's jutsu. ( Rest is too blurry )
Sai talks about how Roots members are sealed to prevent them for relealing too much about him.

Ohana talks about :

Sai has been cursed sealed to prevent him from revealing too much.

Omoi and Karui are keen.
I'll write more when I read everything
The man is Omoi ?
The chick is Karui ?
And the last is Samui ?

There's a yellow frog.

The opening page is Omoi
(After Sai mentions it's a Jutsu by Danzo):
"If we say anything regarding Danzo, our whole body becomes numb, and we become unable to speak or move our bodies..."

Also, for those who are interested, here's the cover page:

452: Approaching Danzo

(middel of the picture):
Illustration Collection "Naruto"
On sale July 3rd!
Detailed in 56 pages!

(left side of the page):
The born- worry wart Omoi is thinking heavily about Master Killer Bee's safety!!
[note: "born-" is a translation choice; others could be: "natural", "by nature", "original", etc.]
quick sum up

Naruto says that he won't allow this.[Danzou becoming Hokage]

Kakashi tells him off, saying that it's what the higher-ups have decided for the time being, if he's[naruto] is unlucky, he'll get thrown into jail[for opposing Danzou]... At least until Tsunade wakes up.

Scene change to Danzou

Danzou orders Sai to make sure Naruto doesn't do something stupid
The reason why, is because Naruto is a hero right now. He's more popular than Danzou. Punishing him[naruto] could lead to the people of the village revolting.

After receiving his orders, Sai goes to meet up with Naruto and the others.
Naruto asks Sai what Danzou's like,
Sai says he doesn't really know him, but Danzou donates curse marks/seals to all members of Root. Sai can't talk about classified info, because everyone who has, has fallen over unconscious.(Talking = Death)

Some prehistory on Sai
[Unsure]Then the guy who authorized taking care of Sasuke, comes out.

[Unsure]They hear the Cloud ninja talking.

"That Sasuke guy abducted our master(s)"

[Something about Naruto and Sakura not making a mutual effort, and either getting pissed off or brushing their worries off]
A dark influential person --> Two dark persons

"Why would Sasuke do something like that?"

使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き
[Something about the present time, Akatsuki, Kumogakure, an attack, and master being abducted]

みんな驚いた所で 完
Everyone is surprised by this

背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw
Spine is of some small frog, Nja forgot his name
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by: Nja & Fugetsugym (NF)

刀で戦ってたけど男が 本気で斬るなよって斬
女にいって女が    わかってるよって

Are these guys strong or what?
They fight with swords, the guy says, "Don't cut them for real!"
The woman says to the other, "I know!"
After that, Sakura is blown away, as is Naruto.
by: Hexa

by: KWGoDのbrucelee-NF
NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by ShiverX, The Special One and TheSixthHokage to re-post all their writings and predictions. (To the fans and avid readers: I will upload as soon as it is available - take it easy!)

Status: Prediction
by: ShiverX

Naruto shippuuden 452 prediction: Re-Grouping

"Naruto stands stunned by Kiba's announcement"
Sakura: - What? But Tsunade is the Hokage!...
Kakashi: - This is bad news, I suspect it won't end here.
Naruto: He can't do that! They can't replace Tsunade like that!
Kakashi: I'm afraid they can, if they see it necessary. Danzo must have planned this.

"Kakashi watches Naruto, who turns his head down in thought"

Naruto: - I...
Naruto thinks to himself: Just when I have the means to bring him back.. Just when I finally understand..

"Naruto looks up at Kakashi. Kakashi looks back"

Naruto in a calm voice: - I won't allow it.
Kakashi: - You are in no state to tackle the village Naruto. Danzo is a hard opponent, you can't face him in battle like your previous foes. He has been planning this for a long time.
Sakura: - ......

"Naruto thinks for a moment, flashbacks on his speech with pain, his promises."
"Naruto looks up again and smiles, although you see he is tired."

Naruto: - I know of Danzo. I know he have been wanting to be Hokage for a long time. I know he have done bad things to get the seat to. The decision to name Sasuke a missing nin is another bad choice of his. I won't allow it. There is to much at stake, to much to repay for him to ruin it all now. I will talk to him.

"Kakashi looks at Naruto, "what did Naruto mean by that?""

"Naruto smiles again, Sakura and Kakashi is not smiling"

Kakashi; - You won't be able to talk sense into Danzo Naruto. I know him, he is a ruthless military leader. He is most likely prepared for everything we can say, as I said he has been planning this for a long time.
Sakura: - Then what? Should we just allow him to place Sasuke as a missing Nin?
Kakashi: - No, but we must be tactful about this. If Danzo was named the Hokage we must play by the rules to try to stop him. We must put our hope in the village, and in Tsunade's powers.

"Naruto thinks back to what Danzo did to Pain"

Naruto wispers: - He must not be allowed to be Hokage.

Switch scene to Sasuke:
"Sasuke and team falcon is jumping and moving at a medium pace towards Konoha.
They stop for the evening to put up camp"
Sasuke: - It will take us some time to get to Konoha, try to be ready. We must have our strength for the encounter.
Jugo: - Do you have a plan for getting into the village?
Sasuke: I have a plan, we will be helped.

"Team falcon looks with suprise at sasukes statement"

Switch scene to Hinata:
"Most Konoha ninjas Hinatas age is gathered around."

Shikamaru: - We have all heard the news.. I sent Kiba to inform Naruto. Things are getting out of hand.
Lee: - We can't allow this! It's not right. We all want Sasuke to come back and Naruto just saved us, he can't be happy.
Shino: - What we think is irrelevant. How we act is more important.

"Hinata watches her friends argue"

Hinata: - Let's nominate Naruto as Hokage!

"They all stop arguing and look at her"

Lee: - Do you think we could do that?
Shikamaru: - I't might be to late for that....But we can try. And whatever happens I will support Naruto in this. Call the others, we need to regroup.

"They all agree"

Switch scene to Naruto:

Naruto: - Kakashi...I have a plan. Please Sakura, could you arrange to transfer Tsunade. I fear for her life.

"Sakura looks a bit panicked"

Sakura: - Where would we go?

"Naruto smiles again to calm her down"

Naruto: Well, to mount Myouboku of-course.
Sakura: - Mount Myouboku?
Naruto: Yes, we will reverse summon you there. I hope you can help Tsunade at that location.
Sakura: - .....

"Naruto puts a hand on her shoulders"

Naruto: - You are the best Medical Ninja there is Sakura. I know you can do it.

"Sakura looks suspicious on Naruto"

Sakura: - What is your plan?

"Naruto looks straight into Sakuras eyes with a striking determination, posing a devious smile"

Naruto: - I'm going to play the fox!

"Kakashi and Sakura has a look of surprise"

What does this mean? Will Naruto go into fox-mode?

Next chapter:
The fox and Danzo!

Status: Prediction

Chapter 452: Danzou Approves the Hit on Sasuke
by: The Special One

"No. As long as there is still breath in this body, none of this will go down," yelled Naruto. "I understand, but this is the Hokage. Perhaps Sasuke really did get into a bind," said Kiba

"Let's first find out what's going on before panacking and making rash decisions. Still, I can't believe a man like that has actually become the Hokage. This changes things drastically," said Kakashi.

"I'm with Kakashi on this one. Although, I can also sympathize with Naruto, its Sasuke afterall, and Tsunade has warned me about Danzou. He has a cold militaristic philosphy. Instead of settling matters with treaties and negotions; he prefers wet work ops and the preservation of a strong and feared government," said Sakura.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. He leads a sub organization within Anbu, called Root. Its main purpose is to create shinobi without human emotions," said Kakashi.

"So Sai was," said Naruto.

"Exactly," said Kakashi.

"What, how is such a thing legal in Konoha," asked Kiba. "Its not. But who would oppose him? He believes that the cause of Konoha's failures is because the 3rd Hokage's teachings placed too much meaning on feelings. And when emotions get in the way, missions are compromised. And based off the current cirumstances, who would blame Danzou for sticking to his route," said Kakashi.

"But, that can't be how villages should operate. There should be an idea of understanding. Village systems would be competeing for survival. And the strongest one will have the others kneeling at their feet. That's the same ideal that led to Pain's creation," said Naruto.

(Everyone is surprized by Naruto's intuition.)

"Hmm. Naruto certainly has a point, but people who where born in war like environments managed to survive by clinging on to those old ideals. That's the only way they see it, any other way would be foolish and sentimental. Add sadly, those kind of people are the ones that are in control of our government," said Kakashi.

(Kakashi pictures the 3 elders and the council Leaders.)

(Outside. The crowd gathers around Danzou and his Anbu supporters. In the midst of it all, people are shockedabout Danzou's rise to Hokage. People question Sasuke's morale. Soon afterwards Team 7 makes its way to the crowd. Danzou begins his speech.)

"Citizens, fear not, Konoha's future is in capable hands. I, Danzou, the Founder of the Root Division of Anbu, will ensure that nothing like this will ever happen to this village again. Within the past two decades alone, this village has been placed under unrequired fire. Why is that? It was because the Hokages before failed to eliminate
threats as soon as they arised.

They let personal and cultural barriers get in the way of perserving the way of the shinobi. Orochimaru was given time to escape, because he was Sarutobi's student. That cost the village. And this instance here, the Akatuski leader was Jiraiya's own student, and look at what happened. But no more. Under my watch all threats will be elminated. All suspensions will be taken care of. That is why I have agreed to assist the Raikage in the assination of Sasuke, something Tsunade would of never agreed to.

Sasuke, who has left the village without proper orders and without specifiying length of stay, has been marked as a missing-nin. In his traveles he is now in support of the terrorist group known as Akatuski. And has infiltrated THe Cloud and has captured Raikage's brother, a Jinchuuriki.

Konoha is to be on high alert. All abled shinobi will guard this village, because who is to say, he won't go after Naruto? Uzumaki Naruto will hereby be reolcated until the Akatuski matter is settled, which would be explained in depth during the upcoming Kage Summit issued by Raikage. We can't risk such an overwhelming power being turned against us. That is all," said Danzou.

(Everyone is in uproar.)

"This look bad for you Naruto," said Kiba. "No way. There's no way a jerk like that is going make me sit here and let them kill Sasuke. Nor will I sit around and do nothing while Akatuski plots their next move," said Naruto. "What do you suppose you do. I don't like Danzou either, but he and the Raikage wouldn't lie about something this drastic. Still, I don't agree with him isolating you from everyone. You are one of shinobi that protect this village," said Sakura.

"Damn it. If Tsunade was wake, none of this would of happened," said Shizune.

"This was exactly what I feared from the beginning. Naruto is not some tool to be locked away," said Shikaku.

"I can't believe it. I won't believe Sasuke to be aiding Akatuski. I can't believe that he'd send someone like me into Akatuski's hands. I won't believe it," yelled Naruto.

(Danzou secretly walks by.)

"Oh? Why wouldn't he," smiled Danzou. (Naruto grabs Danzou's collar.) "What do you know about Sasuke? Nothing. I know all about your exploits. Pain told me. I'm not going to sit here and-," said Naruto before getting cut off.
(He is immediately surronded by Anbu.)

"Unhand the Hokage at once," said Anbu 1. "Uzumaki Naruto, please," said Anbu 2. (Kakashi rushes in and removes Naruto from Danzou.) "What's gotten into you Naruto?
I know your heart is in the right place and you want your freedom. But this is hardly the way to settle things," said Kakashi.

"I forgive him. He is but a child afterall. But know this Uzumaki. Sasuke is no longer pure as he was. The slightest influence could paint him into a completely different picture. The old friend that you use to know, is gone. Forget everything you thought and knew about Sasuke. That is all. I hope you've come to your senses," said Danzou.

(Naruto closes his eyes. And reflects back on what Itachi told him.)

"Sasuke. You couldn't really do something like this," said Naruto.

(Flash back of Itachi and Naruto's conversation.)

"You said you want to bring Sasuke back, don't you? But what if he doesn't want to go.
But what if its the opposite? You said you thought of Sasuke as a brother. Well, I'm asking you what you'd do if Sasuker were to attack Konoha," said Itachi.

"What? Why would Sasuke? He'd never do that," exclaimed Naruto.

"Sasuke is still pure. He could be colored easily by anything. If that should happen, would you be able to stop him. Even if it meant killing him? Could you weigh Sasuke's life against Konoha," said Itachi.

"I'd protect Konoha! And find a way to stop Sasuke without killing him. I won't bend my words. That is what being a ninja means to me," said Naruto.

"I've given you some of my power. I hope the day comes when you never have to use it," said Itachi.

(Back to the present.)

"Sasuke. What have you gotten yourself into? DANZOU," yelled Naruto. (He turns around.)

"What is it, boy," asked Danzou. "Leave Sasuke to me. I'll stop Sasuke with my own hands. Please don't involve the other villages. I don't really care for your methods. But if Sasuke is such a threat, then let me take care of him. I'm the only one who knows him best. I'm the only one who knows how he feels. Please, I'm begging you. Give me the order, and I'll stop Sasuke for everyone. If I fail, you can lock me up afterwards," said Naruto.

"Nnn. Naruto," mumbled Sakura. (Everyone is astoned by Naruto's reaction.) "Are you sure about this Naruto," asked Kiba.

"Facing Pain must have changed him. This is not the same Naruto we were use to," said Kakashi.

"Hmm," Danzou thinks on it.

"Danzou my lord. He did defeat the Akatuski leader. Perhaps its not out of the question," said Anbu 1.

"He is no longer a child. Perhaps you should allow it," said Anbu 2. "He gets this one chance. If he screws up, I'll see to it that he never steps foot ouside Konoha again," said Danzou.

Next Chapter: Danzou's Permission
Status: Prediction
by: Freakout

It starts with Kakashis concerned face and Naruto and Sakura shocked. Tazuna and Inari heard Kibas yell and turns around.

Tazuna asks: How the hell did this happen, hat’s super confusing.

Inari wonders: Yeah, what could he possible done wrong to get declared like a criminal that Zabuza was.

The Konohans hesitates.

Tazuna: Now what is it?

Inari: I can’t believe he would do anything bad, not after what I witnessed.

(This forces Naruto to explain what happened.
Tazuna: So that happened… but Sasuke sure would not do anything to harm Konoha.

Inari: I believe the same.

Naruto meek: After what I got through with Pain, I’m not that sure about it. But if, then I will knock sense back into him. I must speak with this Danzou guy now.
Note: As far as I can recall Nagato never stated that “the name of the Konoha guy who allied with Hanzo” was Danzou. I think he just described his appearance besides how should he knew.

Tazuna: Inari supervise the work I want to know more about this, I’ll tell you later.

Inari: But I want to know as well.

Tazuna: I know, but someone must look over this lazybones so that they do their work right and you’re the only one who can spur them on besides me. You will learn soon enough.

Inari: OK Grandpa.

Then the group head towards Danzous place.

They reach there but Anbu roots stop them rushing.
Naruto screams: I want to know who this guy is and why he things Sasuke would betray us. He tries to get through with Kage Bunshin. The Roots are to good for him. After a few more tries he gets through but stopped by Sai.

Naruto or Sakura or both: Sai, don’t say your with him. Did you trick us the whole time? And I thought for some time your actually a nice Person.

Sai remains silent but then Danzou turns.

Danzou: Shut up Kyuubi brat. Let him through Sai but only if Tenzo and Kakashi will restrain him.

Sauke left for Orochimaru to obtain power. Therefore it was a risk he could become Orochimaru. Since Orochimaru wanted to destroy Konoha it was a thread to us and therefore had to be disposed of. We failed that time because of you who wanted to bring him back.

Naruto is still shocked to see who Danzou is and did not say something.

Eventually he somehow killed him as we learned. This let the risk vanish. However, we have reports that he, with three unknown people, probably some of Orochimarus underlings invaded the cloud country and abducted The Hachibi, who in addition was Raikage-samas brother and the wore Akatsuki cloaks.

Naruto: I… I don’t believe this. He remembers the meeting with Itachi.

The Kuma nins are still near.

Samui: Are you trying to insult Raikage-sama as a liar.
Naruto is speechless.

Danzou false-faced: So I have no choice as to declare him as an S-Rank nuke nin now. I’m sorry Naruto. Because Akatsuki is a criminal organization made out of the vicious villains from all country with unknown but sure not nice goals I have to assume that he as well is. As you see Akatsuki is cable of causing such a mess though as Pain who seems to were the leader he is supposed to be the strongest. However Sasuke as well is at least as powerful as Orochimaru was if not more.

Kakashi: He has a point.

Naruto: How, how can you appoint another Hokage with granny Tsunade still alive, especially THAT man.

What do you mean?

Naruto: While I talked to Nagato he told me his story.

Danzou suddenly became aware: I have to prepare something…

Naruto: He was a student of Jiraya like me and he dreamed of peace…

Danzou: Nice peace, hahahahaha. Destroying a village and stealing the tailed demons for probably more damage. I knew nothing good comes from the thirds teachings.

Naruto: He had two Pains who changed his thinking. One was that his parents got killed in front of him when he was a child. He wanted not to destroy anything but to stop wars though he hated Konoha who were responsible for the dead of his parents. After he met Jiraya he followed his teachings of peace and he and his friends build a group who tried to settle things in a peaceful way. They became famous, too famous for the hidden rains former leader Hanzo the Salamander. He feared for his position and allied with a Konoha Ninja who wanted to become Hokage with his help. His description fits perfect to you, your just a little older.

We heard rumours…

Danzou: Lies, just lies. You try to insult me according to rumours from long ago only to credit Tsunade and the old teachings, which were responsible for this mess. Fact is Akatsuki is a criminal organization who is after the Bijuus and Sasuke is part of it and since Tsunade is unable to continue with her job to protect Konoha and her ideals were to unaware so Akatsuki was able to destroy the village and if they achieve their goal the whole world is in danger.

Naruto just continues: You kidnapped on of their friends and forced Nagato to kill his best friend and after attacked them. He was to strong for you and all your goons though. In the end, you run for your worthless life and I also believe you killed the messenger frog who was supposed to call me if something happens so I can interrupt and stop them. You shouldn’t be allowed to be free especially not to be Hokage. You were responsible for Pains creation and Pain created Akatsuki so you indirect are guilty for their existence as well.

Naruto is about to attack him while screaming “I won’t accept this” …

End of chapter. Next issue “Punishment”
Teaser Questions for Naruto 452:
1. Why did Tazuna and Inari suddenly showed up (kinda odd)
2. Why was meant by "Naruto was deceived"??
3. Did Danzou gave Kiba's Team an order to "Kill Sasuke"???

You may start sharing your opinions and comments below.

Naruto Chapter 451: Rebuilding Konoha


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