ShiverX Prediction - Naruto 454


NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by ShiverX, to re-post his writings and predictions.

Naruto Shippuuden 454 Prediction: Running Away!
by: ShiverX

"Naruto and the cloud-nin walked in silence towards the center of Konoha.
Sakura and Sai had gone to seek out Kakashi to aid Naruto in his upcoming encounter with the new Hokage."
"Omoi looked at Naruto by the corner of his eyes. A Jinchuuriki, just like his master..
He remembered the way Naruto had reacted to the news they brought and how he now had taken it upon himself to help them find their master. He had said something about him understanding their pain."

Omoi: - You also lost your Master to Akatsuki?

"Naruto looked back at Omoi, producing a smile that revealed more pain then happiness."

Naruto: - yes. My master was Jirayaa... one of the legendary Sannin. The leader of Akatsuki killed him..
Omoi: then you got your revenge! That's great!

"Naruto's smile disappeared and he looked at the ground in front of him"

Naruto "almost to himself": - Yes..I guess.... But I'd rather have my master back. Revenge is not important, it doesn't solve anything...

"Omoi also looked down at these words almost feeling ashamed at them and the result they brought."

Omoi: - I'm sorry for your loss, was it not long ago?
Naruto: - No.... Not long enough.

"Again Naruto produced a tired smile before turning his gaze on the rocky road ahead of them again"

"Karui also looked at Naruto with a form of curiosity. He was as them, or as their master. He was still suffering from the actual loss of one so close instead of their own uncertainty. Even in this state he took upon himself the responsibility for his village, friends and even missing ninjas that clearly didn't have the same feelings towards the village best."
She thought back to how he had agreed to help them."

"Naruto: - I will help you search for your master! Naruto had looked down on his woman friend and assured her it was going to be alright. That he would handle it. Then he had began to form a plan. Apparently the new Hokage was news to even Naruto and his friends, how that even was possible? And it seemed the new Hokage posted new problems for them to. Naruto had asked them for help when addressing the new Hokage. They were to request that Naruto join them in the search for their master. They were to be very persuasive, Danzo would not agree easily. "

Karui: - Do you not get along with this new Hokage?

"Naruto looked at her as he spoke"

Naruto: - It's not as much get along as don't agree. Danzo is part of the problem with Akatsuki. Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki started the organisation because of people like Danzo.

"Karui was suprised by Narutos words"

Naruto: - As far as I know Danzo never liked the fact that Tsunade let me be free to do what I wanted, under the bounds of the Ninja rules. As Tsunade was close to my master and they shared the same views, naturally I share those as well. And for that reason my views and Danzo's don't match. But this is all speculation, I've yet to meet with him.

Karui: - He won't let you leave the village?
Naruto: - Well, he probably views me as a weapon or asset to Konoha.

"At these words Omoi tensed and you could see his anger building"
Karui: - He sounds like a dangerous man... Anyway, our team leader Samui will help us talk to him.

Switch to Sasuke:

" Sasuke jumped from tree to tree and even in deep thought he wasted no energy on unnecessary movements.
The Kage summit and the Kages that waited was something anyone in their right mind was going to stay away from. It was a place where the most important and strong Ninjas would gather.
As it seemed Konoha was no longer a place for Sasuke to return the Kage summit would be the best place to seek what he was after. Just like before there was nothing he could have done to Madara and now he was running another errand for that enigma again. Going to Konoha had been a sound plan because for some reason Madara had kept away for all these years so something about the place was keeping him away.
Anyway you looked at it Madara was not going to let him or falcon go anytime soon as they knew about his existence. The only way to get away was to actually flee under the false pretence that they were running his errands.
At the Kage summit he would be able to finish two of his goals. Take revenge against Danzo for deceiving his brother, and finally get Konoha into capable hands, Uchida's hands. And to get away from Madara. Fighting him at this point was out of the question. not once but twice had he proven that he could not be hurt by Sasuke. The last attack on Madara with Sasuke's chidori had been a brilliant move as it set up his act as defiant errand boy ruled by his emotions and goals and it tested Madara's defense at the same time. The defense was flawless. The thing that had put Sasuke onto the path of fleeing in "disguise" was the fact that Madara could take amaterasu and still live. Sasuke would get stronger and eventually exact his avenge upon Madara whom his brother hated.
Sasuke was sure that Madara also was responsible for the death of the Uchida clan in some way. Even if he would never admit it. Sasuke would get stronger, but right now he and falcon needed to retreat. The five Kages and their bodyguard would definitely be enough protection against Madara."

"And then there were Naruto. It kind of ticked Sasuke of somewhat that he seemed to have grown in strength like that. How could that cluts possible be stronger than himself? Well, time would tell."

Switch to Gara:

"Gara is leading the Sand ninjas on their journey towards the kage-summit."

Kankuro: - Gara? Why are we going towards Konoha instead?
Gara: - We send ninjas but you know as well as I that Naruto and the others may need us in this tragedy. It's not that much of a sidetrack and we will just check in to see everything is alright.

"Kankuro and Temari both smiled. Gara was stalling, avoiding, he was nervous about the meeting"
Switch to Naruto:

"Naruto and the cloud Ninjas enter the tent where Danzo is seated. He is surprised to see them but asks them to enter. In front of him is Samui, still in negotiations it seems."

Danzo: - So, what brings you here again Omoi, Karui......Naruto?

"Naruto walk up and stand in-front of Danzo."

Danzo: - Naruto?
Naruto: - Danzo..

"They stand in silence"

Danzo: - I understand you must be feeling tired after your battle with pain, and sad at the loss of Tsunade. Why are you here instead of getting your well deserved rest Naruto?

"Naruto anger rises at these obviously fake words"

Naruto: - I'm neither very tired nor have I much to be sad about concerning Tsunade as she is not dead yet.

"Danzo starts to speak but Naruto interrupts him."

Naruto: - I am however Sad about your decision about Sasuke. You know how much he means to us.
Danzo: - I am well aware of your allegiance with the teachings of the third. Rest assured that I will run a much tighter shift so that tragedies like the one we are facing right now never happens again. Sasuke is now a missing nin on his own accord and we will not allow him to become another pain to Konoha. He must be stopped and letting him run loose does not help our cau.....
Naruto interrupts Danzo: - Nagato was not created by ninjas like Tsunade but by Ninjas like you. You know that your coupe into the rain lands was one of the main reasons Nagato, or Pain as you call him wanted revenge on Konoha. Because of what you did to his friends.
Danzo: - Lies! How dare you accuse me of such things!

"Naruto stay silent until Danzo also quiets down, Kakashi enters the tent."

Naruto: - It may be true or not but you won't be Hokage for long. As soon as Tsunade wakes it won't be your title anymore. At least you could do a good job until then.
Danzo: - How dare you Naruto! Just because you have the peoples trust right now that doesn't mean you can say what you like. Remember, you are still the nine-tails!

"Omoi pushes Naruto aside"

Omoi: - So what?! Does the current Hokage have anything against the Bijuu hosts?!

"Samui walks in between Danzo and Omoi and pushes Omoi aside."

Samui: - My apologies for these outbursts Hokage but they just lost their master, he was a host to.
Danzo: - That's alright, just see to it that it doesn't happen again, we can’t have regular ninjas going around doing as they please all the time. We must have order.
Samui: - Yes..... Now on to other matters. Kakashi and I have been discussing the tactical aspect of going after Sasuke and Akatsuki. But the boy here, Naruto, has come forth with some interesting information.

”Danzo looks suspicious”

Danzo: - Yes?..
Samui: - He means to say that there is a big chance master Killerbee is still alive. This means we must send a team to find him immediately! And as Konoha is partly responsible for Sasuke we will need your help to make the search smoother.
We require Uzumaki Naruto to join our team on this.

”Danzo stands up”

Danzo: - Absolutely not!

”Samui raises an eyebrow and the others in the room is also surprised by this outburst”

Samui: - Why not? Naruto himself says he knows more than anyone about these Akatsuki and he is also strong and capable enough. This cause is also his, as he is a host.

”Danzo looks somewhat cornered”

Danzo: - I can’t let our Host just go outside of the village at a time like this.

”Kakashi steps in”

Kakashi: - So you will not help the cloud and thus not fix the mistrust that have been created between us in this time because you do not trust Naruto?

”Others in the room look at Danzo with interest as his next words concern Naruto.”

Samui: - This is most unfortunate, you don’t trust hosts which is a direct insult to our Ninjas here and you won't aid us in this way?
Danzo: - Come now, this is propos...
Samui interrupts Danzo: - What is your answer?! It’s either Naruto or I go back to our village with bad news.

Danzo: - I see what you're doing here! Very well, let me speak to Naruto alone first before I give my answer.

”People start to protest”

Naruto: - Hey! That’s fine. I will hear what he has to say alone.

”Everyone moves out of the tent.”
”Danzo stands in silence a minute then turns to face Naruto”

Danzo: - I see what you did here, you're trying to turn the villagers against me. It won’t succeed. I will let you go with the Cloud ninjas. But if you disappear or run out on us I will find ways to get you back, even if I must hurt your friends.

”Naruto gets serious and you can see the Kyuubi eyes come out"

Naruto: - How pitiful you are Danzo, thinking only of your own ways. I will go help these Ninja rescue their Master and then I will find Sasuke and bring him back to Konoha. After that I really hope Tsunade is alive and well and all my friends is alive or I swear by my way of the ninja there is nowhere for you to run from me and I won't be merciful!

"Danzo is shocked by the gaze and the words"

Danzo: - Don't underestimate me Naruto. YOu may not like it but I am Hokage now and I need to keep Konoha intact and all its interest to, that include you. If you run away!

"Naruto does a sweeping motion with his arm."

Naruto: - I won't run away! I am the son of the fourth and I will be Hokage and protect everyone, We have inherited the will of fire, we don't abandon things or give up. I have made promises that can't be broken.
You just make sure you don't make any more mistakes as Hokage. Make the time you have mean something!

"Naruto turns and walks out. Danzo sits in silence"

Danzo thinks: Interesting....Yes I will take your words to heart Naruto. I will make my time seems you will not let me be Hokage Naruto, how unfrotunate...for you...
"Danzo has a evil smile on his face"

What will happen to Konoha?
How will Sasuke approach the KageSummit?!

Next chapter:
- War -


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